Monday, November 14, 2011

Big Brother:How come all of the other houseguests can't see that Lane,Enzo,Matt,and Hayden are all in a group?

How long do you think they will be able to keep it on the down low?|||I KNOW!!! I really don't see how they're all so dim... BUT I think the only thing the boys have going for them is bc... they're boys. They can all hang out together and it's just the man's men hanging out. I also think that is because they rarely hang out as a group of four so they are able to keep their group strategy to visible minimum. I think they're doing a good job keeping it hush hush (even though I'm irritated by this alliance).

It is only two weeks in though, so I'm sure they'll be exposed once one of them is either HOH or makes it onto the block. I give it anywhere from this eviction to two weeks from now till someone at least sniffs out the idea of them.

Can I say though... I CANNOT stand Enzo or Matt. I'm watching them on Showtime right now and Matt had just gone upstairs to talk to Rachel and all of that group are talking strategy in the HOH. Then Enzo started talking some bullpoo about "let them pop some sh*t on me, we'll see what happens. don't make the jersey come out of me." I HATE people like that. Shut your balding @ss up Enzo!! You're stupid!! And Matt is just an unnecessarily cocky moron who thinks way to much of his goofy looking self. I hope they all figure the lame Brigade out and Lane and Hayden are able to scrape their way out of it and Matt and Enzo get the big boot!!|||@ the answer above - were talking about the US version.

To the asker - whenever you ask a question about BB, you should make it clear that your talking about US because a lot of ppl get confused -IE, the answer about me. Just a suggestion.

Now to answer your question. I think its because they really done hang out as a group unless there all by themselves. I dont think it will last long because Matt is a little cocky - he almost got put on the block for "fake" paranoia|||I STILL don't understand how so many of them were shown admitting that they feel Brendon and Rachel being a couple in the house could work against them in the long run and that it would be best to split them up right away yet they ALL voted out Annie. How dumb are these people? And now you got Brendon and Rachel running the show.|||either cuz we see more than they do or cuz they r dumb, (my money is on the 2nd one).. it happens all the time on big brother, they make dumb decisions and then everything comes too light, i don't think it will last too long. hayden is a target to people and then they will turn on him|||Because Brendon and Rachel to busy making out. Monet and Britney are to busy talking about people. Kristen is always sleep. Andrew poor guy, trying to hard to not look like a threat.. And the others, their names slips me, are working hard to stay under the radar. This season has a boring bunch.|||Cuz they are stupid lol. Rachel thinks Monet,Britney%26amp;Enzo are an alliance lol|||What? There's no one called Lane,Enzo,Matt,or Hayden on Big Brother...

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